hi astird
i lvoe you astrid

world's favorite celeberity   19 (may 4th) ☆ 5'4

Once a noblewoman with not much to do outside of simply being there, Astrid made the (rather easy) decision to leave home after heating that her father had arranged for her to be married off to some other rich guy. Despite what she's chosen to put herself through, she's an unbelievably kind-hearted soul, perhaps too much for her own good. She's hesitant to fight in most situations, always trying to find some reason not to. Exact opposite of what you\'d want from mercenaries around these parts- It's not like her compassion is met by others, either. Though, she'll get a win eventually. Hopefully. Just keeping the group together is enough for her right now. In the end, she's really just a girl with too many responsibllities on her shoulders. Literally. You try dealing with gods when you're not even old enough to drink, way harder than it sounds. And she's doing the god part for free!